La Castillería

Vejer de la Frontera, Spain

When you get tired of eating the magnificent fish and seafood available in Andalusia, head to Juan Valdés's tented dining room for excellent cuts of aged beef and pork as well as different breeds of lamb. Valdés gets intense flavors and smooth textures thanks to his patiently applied natural process of maturing. Other dishes to look out for are the stuffed peppers, cod with scrambled eggs and sweetbreads or kidneys in port sauce. Finish from among the many tempting homemade desserts, such as the custard with ladyfingers or the cheesecake.

Review by: Matoses


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Restaurant Details

Address:Sta. Lucía, Vejer de la Frontera, Vejer de la Frontera, Spain

Telephone:+34 956 45 14 97

Opening hours:
  • Lunch: Thursday-Tuesday
  • Dinner: Thursday-Tuesday

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